Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tool #2 PLN's

One blog I commented on was math teacher mambo. This teacher was considering using a flipped classroom method next year for her calculus class and was asking for ideas and comments on the model. I shared with her my experience of partial flipped classroom. It was interesting to post on a strangers blog and know that what I said would be out there forever for anyone to see. It definitely made me think that when developing your pln you need to be careful that you are proffessional about it! One of the blogs I found that I am looking forward to following is . Although she teaches far away, I feel her blog has many great ideas. However they involve buying things that may end up being expensive so we will have to see. I also set up a google reader. I am excited about being able to subscribe to all different things that interest me but only having to look in one place to find it all. I will be playing with this new toy soon! Tata for now fellow bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. I honestly wish there were more blogs for Spanish teachers because your experience sounds really cool! I hope they get to help you in the future as well!
