Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tool #10 Digital Citizenship

There are many things that are important for our students to understand about digital citizenship. Three that I think are especially important:

1. Nothing is a secret on the internet. What you post can and likely will spread to many people. Don't write anything you wouldn't mind sharing with anyone you meet or don't meet!

2. Understand how to differentiate between reliable and not necessarily reliable sources on the internet. Anyone can post anything they want on the internet thus seeing is not believing. Teaching digital literacy is crucial!

3. Understand why and what SBISD acceptable use guidelines are.

I found the brainpop videos to be useful for helping my students learn about digital citizenship. I would not have much time to set aside for talking about this so a brainpop video would be very helpful!

I also think it would be good for me to set the brainpop videos up as an edmodo activity to be completed at home with the parents. The students and parents can then take the quiz together and email me the results!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea-so share please with your team. I think by having your students/parents watch the brainpop videos, it would get some conversations started that should be ongoing in the houses.
